Cloud-Based Communications: Expectations vs Reality

Cloud-Based Communications: Expectations vs Reality

Cloud-Based Systems are essential in the current business landscape of remote working and remote teams.

Through cloud systems being internet-based, the need for complicated infrastructure is reduced, and the ability to streamline and simplify systems becomes much easier. 

When making a decision, we suggest you ask yourself what your expectations are versus the reality of having this system in your business.

Today we address these questions and shed light on how to best consider the expectations and reality for the needs of your specific business communications requirements.


What are cloud-based systems?

Cloud-based communications enable voice and data communications to be hosted on the internet, aka "the cloud".  With this arrangement, business communications systems operate from third-party data centres.

 In order to participate in cloud-based business communications systems, the application must be installed locally in their own environment and then connected to the hosted systems using an encrypted connection. 

When choosing the right software or application for your business communication needs, your telco company should ideally be researching and recommending the most suitable options. What they recommend can vary from business to business, depending on an organisation's specific business needs. (For more on how cloud-based phone systems work, read our blog here.


What are the expectations of cloud-based communication functionality?

For business users, the business applications available on a business cloud system also come with expectations of lightspeed internet, zero outages and the ability to store monumental amounts of data. These expectations can lead to disappointment regarding cloud functionality.

It may be safe to presume that most of this disappointment results from overly high expectations rather than deficiencies in the technology. It could also be that organisations may be attempting to accomplish too much too soon via the cloud.


What is the reality of cloud-based communications?

Inevitably, there will always be some room for improvement despite the chosen and integrated system. Outages are to be expected, functionality can continuously be improved, and storage limitations can be updated. These are all regular occurrences in business and do not indicate that a cloud-based system is flawed.

By working with the service provider, business processes should not only be streamlined but also optimised. Decisions to implement should focus on how a cloud-based system can add value to the organisation rather than focusing on what it cannot do.

What to consider when seeking a cloud-based comms telco provider:

  • Price:
    When choosing a business telecommunications partner, it is essential to look beyond one of the most commonly quoted attributes: price. While an attractive price point may be used as a selling point by some service providers, this may not offer real value for money in the long term. What is more important is finding a business telecommunications solution designed with business solutions and support in mind.

  • Business-grade equipment:
    Business-grade equipment should be specified when procuring new telecoms services. This system will allow your business to grow as you do without suffering from network outages or poor call quality during peak periods.

  • Support:
    Lastly, having access to business support 24/7 can help you keep your business running smoothly. There’s a genuine demand for an Australian-based telco with an onshore support team that truly understands the ins and outs of Australian business. Many business owners have attested that an Australian based company with an onshore support team has equated to a reduction in outages, improved training and aftercare, and prompt delivery of reliable support when they do occur. Read more here (insert link to blog post)

When it comes to making decisions about the right communications infrastructure for your business, it’s essential to assess the following:

  1. Your expectations
  2. Your unique requirements
  3. The reality of the system’s functionality once integrated into your day to day business.

When researching telco providers, ensure they are up to speed with what is available in your area, what your specific needs are, as well as what support capabilities are available once you have committed to them. If you need help, please contact us today.