Business NBN: Regional and rural coverage

Business NBN: Regional and rural coverage

In this day in age where lockdowns are becoming the norm and populations escape high-density city centres, business owners are finding ways to adapt to this new normal. We understand how important it is to be agile and somewhat portable when running a business in the current climate. As a result, many business owners are considering whether a more cost-effective HQ is viable in remote and regional areas.

For those usually located in city locations or suburban areas, NBN internet access is a given with little doubt or thought given to the possibility that it may not be reliable. However, for those business owners in remote or regional locations (or considering a move for economic or practical reasons), there is less certainty on whether a telco company can assure access and connectivity.

Whether you're a business owner that's working from home, video calling your remote team sprinkled across the world, or trying to ensure your customers can comfortably browse and shop your site - a reliable internet connection should be a no brainer, right?

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Telco companies face some unique challenges when trying to establish coverage for rural and remote locations. Populations in regional and rural areas often have to grapple with the headache of poor connectivity, complete network outages and a non-existent support team.

These factors can have a profound impact on your business.

Three things to look for when shopping around for regional/rural friendly business telco:


  • Research. Make sure your telco is researching to ensure they have found the best Tier 1 NBN providers in your location or area.
  • Services. Ask potential telcos what other internet services they can tailor to your package based on your needs. Not every business is the same, and speed or bandwidth needs can vary based on the size and type of your company and team.
  • Support. If your telco requires you to do the metaphorical "heavy lifting" when troubleshooting or finding quick solutions, perhaps give them the flick. Look for a company that can provide everything: from effortless switching of services to ongoing real-time support and effortless upgrading of your system as your business grows.

Although remote and rural locations present unique challenges for telcos when it comes to connecting businesses, selecting a quality telco shouldn't be a challenge. Ensure you have asked them about their standard of research, service and support, and you will be able to ascertain whether they're the telco for you.

If you have more questions about NBN for your regional or remote business, connectivity capabilities or how you can tailor a unique internet and phone package based on your needs, contact the team at The team at Comvirt understands business and offers fast, reliable NBN for business with Enterprise Ethernet NBN and Fibre to the Business options.