1300 & 1800 Phone Numbers: What’s best for your business?

1300 & 1800 Phone Numbers: What’s best for your business?

As a business owner or key decision-maker in your organisation, you are likely using a business phone to regularly communicate with your customers. Despite the rise in popularity of chat and messenger services in e-commerce and online business, the good old landline provides a direct connection to you and your customers, and is still a necessary part of your business communications. In light of that, we answer: what are the best types of numbers to use, what are the benefits of each, and how best to choose what's right for you? We break it all down in this post.


Firstly, there are two phone numbers that are most commonly used for business landlines: one is a 1300 number and the other an 1800 number. Both numbers are the same in function, features and set up, and both project a professional image for those calling you. Both numbers don’t rely on your physical location so you can answer calls on any landline or mobile phone in Australia.


The only real logistical difference between the two is who pays for the call:


  • A 1300 number has a shared cost between you and your customer. They'll pay the cost of a local call when ringing your company from any landline in Australia.
  • A 1800 number is free of charge when called from any landline in Australia, however your business will be charged for these instead.


Which is right for you and your business? 


1300 Numbers


  • If you're wanting to share the costs of each call, a professional 1300 number may suit you best.
  • Nationally accessible: a 1300 number is a great way to ensure your customers can easily access you, despite where they're located in Australia. 
  • Easy to remember: opting for an easy to recall 1300 number, you may make it better for your customers to remember and more likely to call.


1800 Numbers


  • If your business is likely to expand quickly, it might be worth investing in an 1800 number which, although initially costing more, will encourage more callers Australia wide and potentially generate more business.
  • If you want to remove barriers for customers, a 1800 toll-free number allows customers and potential customers to contact you without hesitation.
  • A competitive advantage: by offering free calls, you have the opportunity to leverage this in your marketing to your customers as easier access to you.


If you’ve been wanting to find the right phone number for your business, the team at Comvirt can help. In light of the above options, and with so much information out there on how they work, it can be difficult knowing which phone number is best for your particular situation. We know that every company has a unique set of needs when it comes to selecting their telephone numbers, but if you have questions or need some guidance picking one out, call us at 1300 512 645 today! Our knowledgeable team will talk with you in detail to find what works better for you.